They Raised 'Em Right
Lance Brown was a college student back in 2010 when he started feeling the itch to get outdoors. Surrounded by aspiring lawyers, engineers and scientists, Brown found that he could not relate to the corporate world his peers were pursuing. He had other dreams. That year, he dropped out of college to start a pig farm in the Pocono Mountains of Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania: Epic Farms.
“What could possibly go wrong?” he responded to assure friends and family of his decision.
Apparently nothing, as all is well and the farm is thriving.
Epic Farms is bustling year round with roughly 250 butcher hogs and 25 sows, and litters of new piglets fill the pens twice a year, all farm-born. The spacious 8’ by 12’ pens in the farrowing hoop buildings allow for sunlight and fresh air, and the sows can come and go as they please -- not a crate in sight. Mothers are selected on their calm nature and strong mothering instincts.
Breeds range from Berkshire and Yorkshire to Large Black and Gloucestershire Old Spot. They are all raised outdoors on the 47-acre farm, where they root, wallow and forage in a densely-wooded forest of native plants and grasses. The pasture land is free from pesticides and herbicides, and the pigs have constant access to the outdoors as well as shelter when needed.
Epic Farms hogs are fed non-GMO grains such as corn, barley, oats, sunflower seeds and millet, as well as grass hay in the winter to sneak some veggies into their diet. This feed is mixed on the farm and the grains and organic minerals are purchased locally. Their diets are supplemented with grains for the duration of their life -- about 7 to 8 months, filling out the pigs to 300 pounds. The farm-to-table animals are vaccination-free, hormone-free and antibiotic-free.
The fresh, open environment, organic feed and thoughtful attention provided to the pigs on Epic Farms translates to a delicious, tender, made-with-love product you can be proud to serve to your family.
*Names have been changed